The level of stunning content seems to keep getting higher as we move deeper into this new social media driven world. Lighting makes all the difference when it comes to creating consistently beautiful content that keeps your audience coming back for more. We know it can all seem overwhelming to keep up with the latest tips, trends, apps and edits – but never fear! Chronicle Republic is here to ease you into creating stunning content using the best of the best lighting tips and tricks. Let’s go. 

1. Find your light, baby! 

Sounds like a cliché we know, but boy does it make a huge difference. Finding your light source and facing it acts as a natural photoshop when it comes to filming content that features yourself. You may have seen influencers on your social media feeds using light rings to assist with this! That is exactly what we are talking about here, if you can’t find your light naturally then we highly recommend investing in a light ring that will provide that smooth front facing glow all day long. 

2. Golden hour is just that…golden! 

If you’re into landscape photography, then you know what’s up with golden hour! That sweet spot of the day when the world really turns up that bronze glow. Not only is this a perfect time to head to the beach, or your local pocket of beautiful landscape and snap some golden beauties of your hometown, it’s also the perfect time to take some stunning shots of humans too! As we mentioned it is all about finding your light and facing this front on, golden hour makes this easy as it really surrounds you no matter where you are. Research when golden hour hits your local time zone and get out in it today. 

3. Editing tools are your best friend

It is ALWAYS better to under expose your photos and fix them in your favourite editing app, rather than overexposing and having no way of turning back. Spend some time getting to know the exposure features on your camera and have a play around with finding that sweet spot for the time of day you’re shooting. Taking into account the natural light around you, be conscious to not overexpose your images or leave your photoshoot too late in the afternoon that you will lose the light before you’ve begun. Beauty takes time y’all, we can’t rush these things. 

4. Be conscious of your flash 

We know that sometimes a camera flash can’t be avoided, but it is no secret that using a flash can flatten your images and create difficulty when it comes to editing in post. Get to know how to properly use the flash feature on your camera or phone so that you can get the best out of your nighttime shots! Don’t forget the night mode option on the latest iPhones and opt for this over using your flash where possible to keep the quality of your images high.  

Need help with your digital marketing?

Chronicle Republic Communications is a boutique Sydney marketing consultancy for real estate, property and interiors professionals. We specialise in social media, content marketing, email marketing, blogging, search engine optimisation, social media advertising and much more!

If you are looking for social media for real estate, property or interior design our digital marketing experts can help you bring your brand’s story to life.
